Paneer in Tomato Puree

Paneer in Tomato Puree is a simple recipe. This dish is vegetarian but at the same time rich in milk protein. Even for people who like non veg dishes sometimes want to change the taste by taking vegetarian dishes. Paneer in Tomato Puree is easy to cook and is tasty.

  1. Paneer:                          250 gms
  2. Tomato (medium size):  2 nos.
  3. Vegetable oil:                 3 tbs
  4. Onion paste:                  1 tbs
  5. Ginger-garlic paste:       1 tsp
  6. Whole cumin:                 1/2 tsp
  7. Turmeric power:             1/2 tsp
  8. Red chilly powder:          1/2 tsp
  9. Garam masala powder:  1/2 tsp
  10. Bay-leaf:                         1 no.
  11. Green chilly:                    2 or 3 nos.
  12. Fresh coriander:              Few
  13. Salt:                                To taste
Tomato Puree:
  1. Cut the tomatos into small pices.
  2. Boil in 1/2 cup of water until it becomes tender and the water is almost evaporated. 
  3. Blend them in a mixer to make fine paste.
Main dish:
  1. Cut the paneer into cubes.
  2. Heat the oil in a pan.
  3. Fry the paneer cubes lightly.
  4. Add whole cumin and bay-leaf and saute for 2 mins.
  5. Add onion paste and cook until the paste truns to golden colour.
  6. Add ginger-garlic paste, Turmerictpowder, red chilly powder, little water and continue frying in low heat for 3 mins. 
  7. Add tomato-puree and continue cooking in low heat.
  8. After 2 mins add the fried paneer cubes, cover the pan and cook for 5 more mins.
  9. Turn off the heat and add garam masala power.
  10. Decorate with green chilly and fresh coriander.
  11. Serve hot.
  1. The whole cooking should be done on low heat.
  2. Red tomatos, if used, will impart beautiful colour to dish.
  3. Use of the onion paste and ginger-garlic paste is optional. 


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